Therapy Services

Therapy sessions listed below are 1 hour in duration, unless otherwise stated. Please inquire further with me about fees per session which is dependent on which service you are looking for. Sessions are offered in-person in Ottawa, or virtually across Ontario. Therapy sessions are $165/hr. Please note that therapy sessions may be covered in full or in part by your benefit plan. If you have benefits, please ensure they cover services by a Registered Social Worker. Social work services are considered a medical expense and tax credit for income tax purposes. Any fees not covered by your benefits plan can be claimed when you file your income tax return.

  • Free 15 minute consultation for new clients. During a 15 minute consultation we will meet virtually via the Jane App. This is a time for us to ‘meet’ each others, for you to find out more about my approach and services that I offer and answer any questions you may have before getting started with therapy. I also like to find out a little more about you during this meeting, such as what your hopes are for therapy. At the end of this meeting, we will decide together if we are a good fit for each other and book a first session from there, or if needed, I can make a referral to another therapist that might meet your needs better at this time.

  • I provide individual therapy sessions to youth (12+) and adults using an attachment and trauma-focused lens. We will work together to establish goals for therapy that are important to you. Using the somatic experiencing modality, I will support you with increasing safety and regulation within your nervous system to heal and process challenging life experiences, stressors, anxieties and developmental trauma. I focus on creating strong therapeutic connections with folks in a non-judgement, accepting and empathetic way.

  • Dyadic sessions are for children/youth (7+) and their caregiver(s) to support children/youth in developing the ability to maintain attachment-based relationships with parents and/or caregivers. During dyadic sessions, the dyad (parent/caregiver and child/youth relationship) is the platform for healing. DDP sessions will start with the parent/caregiver(s) and the child/youth will join sessions afterwards.

  • I offer therapy sessions to parents/caregivers who may want support with parenting challenges. During these sessions I support parents/caregivers with understanding their child and learning different ways to respond to behaviour and cues for connection.

SE Personal Education Sessions

I provide Somatic Experiencing Personal Education Sessions for Somatic Experiencing students working towards their certification requirements, at the Beginning Level. During SE Personal Education sessions, I strive to create a safe space where you feel supported to increase your nervous system capacity, and to integrate your SE skills into both your own life and your therapy practice. We will practice SE skills learned in the Beginning level classroom and engage in discussion about what skills were used and why during sessions.

Clinical Consultation and/or Supervision

I provide clinical consultation and/or supervision to Registered Social Workers and Registered Psychotherapists. 

We will discuss together what your hopes and goals for consultation/supervision are and develop a plan together that works for us both, utilizing a collaborative approach. I practice a developmental and reflective model recognizing where you are at in your learning process and developing goals together that best suit your needs, growth and success. 

Some areas we may explore in consultation/supervision are:

  • Case discussion and therapy planning

  • Impacts of this work and taking care of yourself

  • Interventions and modalities

  • Transference and countertransference

  • Case management

  • Building and sustaining your practice 

  • Support and guidance

Please speak to me further to inquire about dyadic or group supervision options.

Trainings & Workshops

I provide training and workshops to groups and agencies including topics such as: Trauma-informed Schools, Self-Care, Burnout & Vicarious Trauma, Attachment & Developmental Trauma.

Please speak to me further if you are interested in a specific topic for your group or agency.


  • In our first session, I will spend some time getting to know you. We will also discuss your goals or what you would like to work on in therapy together. This is a time for us to begin building a working relationship which is the basis for healing. You do not need to come prepared with anything, just yourself!

  • No. As a Social Worker in Ontario, I am unable to diagnose. For diagnosis, you will need to see a psychologist.

  • No, only a doctor can prescribe medication to you; family doctor, psychiatrist, paediatrician, etc.

  • I provide day, evening and morning appointments dependent on the day of the week. Please speak to me further about the best times that work for you or view my calendar on the booking site.

  • I strongly believe in parent/caregiver’s participation in therapy. This extent of this participation will vary depending on your child/youth’s needs and preferences, as well as age. We will sort this out together with your child/youth at the start of service. Sometimes, we may have parent/caregiver check in at end of session, or be there for parts of the session. What is shared with you will be based on your child/youth’s consent. For virtual sessions, I ask that parent/caregiver are home during sessions, even if not part of the session.

  • You are able to pay for therapy via cash (if in-person), e-transfer or credit card.

  • Your benefit plan may cover therapy. Please inquire with your benefit plan to ensure they cover Registered Social Workers.

  • No. I will provide you with a receipt after payment for session which you can then provide to your insurance/benefit plan for reimbursement, if eligible.

  • Yes. I provide virtual sessions via the JaneApp for anyone living in Ontario.

  • Yes, I provide in-person sessions in Ottawa, ON.

  • Jane is a practice management solution for practitioners. Jane is web-based and includes online scheduling, invoice, client data management and note-taking.

  • Please make an account under your own name, even if seeing service for your child/youth. After or initial meeting, I will make a profile for your child/youth.